Monday, March 28, 2011

What about punctuality?

Punctuality.  Being on time.  This is something a bull-headed-babe, such as myself, swears by.  Especially in the professional realm.  Although, it has to be said, I am not very good at it.  I currently have a calendar on my computer as well as a hard copy on my desk (no, I haven't joined to 21st century with a smart phone - I'm worried it will be smarter than myself!).  I also work in a very large county, and travel time does tend to interfere with what I try and do.

I am not alone!  The idea of time is something that doesn't come easy for the children of my father.  My brother and I have to continually fight the late gene that was passed down from his side of the family.  Dad was always on "Steve Time."  Dad had a hard time getting anywhere when he needed to.  We used to tell him that church services, parties, or other get togethers started about a 1/2 hour before they actually did so we would only be fashionably late... Instead of rude.

My dad was a horse trainer.  Have you ever tried to train anything?  Perhaps a husband (I'm still working on this feat... I've heard it takes years), pet (again, I'm still working on this one.  We recently got a new puppy which is certainly a test of patience but totally worth it!), or co-worker (as you know, I work alone, so that's one area of my life I don't have as much constant training requirements - phew!)?  One thing is true about training anything.  It takes time.

So, back to Dad.  He was a horse trainer with an amazing amount of patience.  Some days he would work with the horse for an hour, and other days it was more along the lines of a full-time job with one horse.  It didn't matter how long it took, he would always end on a good note once the animal had reached the skill level Dad was looking for.  And, he always ended on a good note.

The best thing about Dad's flexible time frame was his ability to run into someone at a store and spend genuine time with that person.  Dad may have been a horse trainer, but in actuality his occupation allowed him to be a person lover.  That person may be in a rush and have to cut the visit short, but they always knew that Dad's attention was theirs until they had to go.  What an incredible gift to give someone - and to pass down to his kids!

So, yes.  I may be late sometimes.  That's not to say that my bull-headed-ness isn't being a little bit annoyed.  But please know that if I'm late it's only because I care.

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