Yes, The Bullheaded Babe is still around! It has just been a very crazy, busy, and absolutely nuts month. I'm glad it's July, but here's a quick recap on the month of June...
Fire broke out and it was the largest in Colorado history. The smoke we lived in for the weeks it was burning was at times unbearable. My dream of riding my bike to work every day had to come to a quick end so that I didn't die from smoker lung. The first picture was taken during the third day of the fire. It was an eerie time because it was hard to tell where the flames were and how close it was to the house.
As you can see from this photo, we were quite safe, however the heartbreaking scene of our mountains burning was still overwhelmingly sad. In this picture you can see the smoke from south to north - it ran all along the front range in Fort Collins.
We were super lucky and got to get away from the smoke with a little trip to Mexico. Have I told you how awesome my mom is? Well, here's a friendly reminder and shout out to the best momma ever. She bought the house for our trip just as a family gift, and then she bought my airline ticket for my birthday present (which is in November). She's so awesome!
The trip was also awesome. We flew to Cabo, stayed in a beautiful home, and had all sorts of great adventures. The adventures started when we landed - the G20 summit was happening the same time we were there, so security was quite crazy. There were snipers on hillsides, trucks with police in the back, some really low flying helicopters, and it turns out we had some famous neighbors. The Obama's stayed at the resort right down the road, the Russian delegates were right down the hill, and the Indian delegates stayed down the hill and to the left.
I'm sure they got photos of them wearing sombreros with their cousin as well... If not, they missed out.
As with all good things, they must come to an end. And as for the madness - I'm starting my own business and trying to figure out technology, state filings, and keeping clients happy along with getting their work done. It's beyond awesome, but some days you just need a drink. That's where I'm headed now. :)
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