Monday, October 27, 2014

Meet My Team! - part 1

Since my diagnosis in February, I have slowly been building my care team. From physicians and nurses to personal trainers and nutritionists, overall health is extremely important to everyone, but especially for someone diagnosed with a chronic disease. MS is a nasty disease that can strike, and sometimes in the strangest of ways (think tingling feet, loss of vision, need for a wheelchair, etc.). Not anything anyone would ever want.

What's the best way to combat those things from happening? Taking care of yourself! MS, for me, is a lifelong prescription for health.

When I first met with my physician (you'll meet him in a later post), he told me there are five things within my control to help with the progression of the disease. Eat a low sodium diet, get plenty of rest, take a Vitamin D supplement, keep a healthy weight and work out.

Those last two lead to the introduction of my first teammate: Jeremy Weber, my personal trainer. Here we are at my last weigh in:
(Yes, I'm silly. :) This is my "dream body" shirt. Why not have fun with life?!?)

With his help, I'm working out 6 days a week, staying (actually losing!) at a healthy weight, and feeling great! His help in keeping me accountable is really wonderful. Plus, Jeremy is no stranger to his own challenges. He used to be the fat kid at school, and he decided it was time to change his life. He's lost over 100 pounds, so he is the perfect person to help me on those days I don't feel like getting my butt in gear. He understands better than most people, and for that I'm extremely grateful.

Don't wait for a scary diagnosis, like mine, to get in shape. Being active and healthy has always been a priority for me, but now more than ever, the benefits of exercise are felt daily. Get moving! And know that if you live in northern Colorado and want a walking partner, I'm in!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Ode to Needles

Poetry has always served me well to help express myself; primarily in a humorous way,
so if you're looking for something to make you laugh, look here - it might brighten your day!

Needles have always been a great fear of mine,
nurses saying, "Here's a little pinch!" never made me feel fine.
I would squirm and wince, and face away,
hoping to only face them on a rare day.

A diagnosis of MS will change all of that.
Fair warning my friends - I've now got it down pat.
The needles started with MRI IV's inserted in my arm,
and then moved to larger scale with some resembling equipment from the farm.

I have lost count of how many needles I have faced,
and the lovely nurses who smile and still give them to me laced
with sugary words from their lips and pain in their finger tips
I have wanted to run, alas there are no ships.

The needle is now a part of my life in a larger way that I ever thought,
and despite the queasiness I still fear, the fear is for naught.
After a trip to the neurologist to see how my MS has progressed,
we received great news - nothing else has digressed.

My health is now stable, for the time it is true.
I work out, eat healthy, and find balance (taking time for the loo).
All of this is possible because of the drug I receive through a needle,
every 28 days - thanks to it, I'm not feeble!

So face your fears, is the moral of this short tale.
You never know when they may save you from fail!