Friday, October 3, 2014

Ode to Needles

Poetry has always served me well to help express myself; primarily in a humorous way,
so if you're looking for something to make you laugh, look here - it might brighten your day!

Needles have always been a great fear of mine,
nurses saying, "Here's a little pinch!" never made me feel fine.
I would squirm and wince, and face away,
hoping to only face them on a rare day.

A diagnosis of MS will change all of that.
Fair warning my friends - I've now got it down pat.
The needles started with MRI IV's inserted in my arm,
and then moved to larger scale with some resembling equipment from the farm.

I have lost count of how many needles I have faced,
and the lovely nurses who smile and still give them to me laced
with sugary words from their lips and pain in their finger tips
I have wanted to run, alas there are no ships.

The needle is now a part of my life in a larger way that I ever thought,
and despite the queasiness I still fear, the fear is for naught.
After a trip to the neurologist to see how my MS has progressed,
we received great news - nothing else has digressed.

My health is now stable, for the time it is true.
I work out, eat healthy, and find balance (taking time for the loo).
All of this is possible because of the drug I receive through a needle,
every 28 days - thanks to it, I'm not feeble!

So face your fears, is the moral of this short tale.
You never know when they may save you from fail!

1 comment:

  1. You're such a strong person Katie, I tip my hat to you for you inspire me.
