We've all heard the saying, "Behind every good man..." Well, guess what? Behind every MS patient is a team of people working together to make sure this disease stays in it's place - the background! The first post I did regarding my care team was about my personal trainer. Now it's time to meet another player - the quarterback.
Here's a photo from my appointment yesterday with my neurologist - Dr. Corboy. When I was diagnosed I sent out an SOS to my fellow healthcare professionals. Who's the best of the best? This guy! He and I have worked together for the past two years, and so far we're super successful together. He's a fantastic doctor, and I'm fortunate to have found him. Now he just can't retire!
The best part about the way he takes care of me? He teaches ME to take care of ME! Personal responsibility day-to-day is key. I see him two hours per year (if all goes well), so the remaining 8,758 it's up to me to stay the course. Eat well, exercise, get rest, take my vitamins, maintain a healthy weight, and eat a low sodium diet are my homework. Apparently it's working, and I'm incredibly grateful for his guidance.
Down, set, hut, hut - hike!
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