And guess what? That great day is less than a week away! Time to start sharing some appreciation for where I am today as opposed to where I was during my twenties.
First and foremost, I have met the love of my life. In July I'll be changing my name and be forever linked to this amazing man! The year of dating him was filled with amazing highs and incredible lows. I'm honored to get to share the rest of my life with such a strong, steady, good, honest, loving, and yes, handsome man.
Teehee - we sure are cute!
I'm stronger than I've ever been. Not only am I more physically fit, thanks to my trainer, but I'm also more emotionally tough. However, the hitch is not allowing the toughness to compromise my compassion. It's a continued reminder that my struggles allow me the opportunity to share in life experiences as others face difficult situations with a shoulder to cry on.
My job rocks! Rarely do people get to find a job in which they feel like they are supported, can work hard at something they enjoy, and be good at it, but I've found it! My days are filled with meeting passionate people that have a philanthropic spirit I can't help but admire. And it's fun!
Here I am with some of my coworkers - can't you tell we enjoy what we do?
My family is a constant and amazing support. My twenties have pushed us all through situations we never thought we'd face (loss of an amazing dad, divorce, chronic disease - never easy topics to talk about or walk through together). But we've made it through, stronger than ever! I wouldn't be here today if not for their love.
My friends make your friends look bad. :) Who would've thought I would have friends all across the world who have reached out to show their love and support? It's been amazing to be on the receiving end of such good thoughts, prayers, and love. I'm continually blessed beyond measure and count a blessing of my 20's finding out what true friendship looks like.
Here's to a happy dirty 30 celebration as we send my 20's packing!
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