How do I know? I just completed one! In 2013 I started out with UCHealth in the foundation. From the first staff meeting at the hospital I knew healthcare was where I wanted to be. Working to raise funds was great, but I knew I wanted my work to have a different impact. How could I get there?
After talking to a lot of leadership at UCHealth and others in the industry, it was clear if I was going to do anything beyond raising money, I needed an education. My bachelors was great for fundraising, but the application to healthcare was a bit of a stretch.
Three long years ago I decided to go ahead and enroll in grad school. As a young professional, working a lot of hours, and newly single, I wondered how I would keep up with everything. Over the past three years the hours haven't waned. The pressures on my life have only increased with meeting my wonderful husband and his two girls, as well as taking a different role with actual healthcare application. Add on top of all of it my diagnosis with MS.
Here's what I learned:
- The time will pass anyway. What are you going to do with it? My decision to go ahead and go to school was hard at times. It's much more fun to go barbecue on weekends or sleep in on Sundays rather than get up and research, write, and test. But what would I have to show at the end of three years if I didn't do the extra work?
- Challenges will come along and try to derail what you're working toward. Embrace the challenge, find a way to work through it, and remember - someone out there is working even harder than you are to accomplish their goals. Join their inspiring company! It was during school I was diagnosed with MS, and it was during the confusing time, before I diagnosis, that I almost quit. I remember sitting in the living room with a carton of ice cream, reading my book with one eye closed, and holding the book so it moved and my eye (the good one) didn't have to in order to finish up my reading and writing for the class. It wasn't my best grade, but by golly, I got it done.
- Growth comes if you look for it! I was perfectly content to stay in the foundation, raising money from local organizations. But you know what? I had done it before for other organizations. I wanted to grow. I wanted to learn. This education has allowed me to push myself past those initial goals and into a realm of healthcare I'm passionate about and truly enjoy.
All in all, it has been a long, rewarding road. I couldn't have done it without the amazing support of my husband (it's not much fun to have a wife who has to do homework, but he really enjoyed saying he was married to a college co-ed), mom (she bought the ice cream), friends (sorry I've had to decline weekend events - not anymore!), and my employer (UCHealth has helped pay for my degree. I also wouldn't have done it if the leadership team hadn't highly encouraged me, supported my dreams, and checked in on my progress).
What are you going to go do?
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