Saturday, May 19, 2012

Let's Get Naked!

In the past few months since I have started back on the single scene, it has been amazing to me how incredibly fast the dating scene has changed...  And I have only been out of it for about five years.  Holy cow!  My heart goes out to those of you who have been out for longer than that.  It's a whole new world.

The way people used to date was so much more romantic.  Think of the GI's in World War II and the letters they sent back to lovers.  Someone had to sit down, write in their own penmanship on paper for a good 15-30 minutes, and then wait patiently for a response. 

We have certainly come a long way where we can now facebook stalk (need a primer on this?  My girlfriend, Kate, and I are pros - watch out boys!), Google search, and do background checks before a first day.  And that's even before you're dating!

What happens when the dating has started?  Things like texting and emailing make communication something that really is a double edged sword.  We are now able to cram weeks of getting to know the other person into a matter of weeks.  Amazing!

That being said, the most shocking thing that has happened to me in the past few months with the ease of communication is the amount of naked picture requests I have received. Heads up - if you ask for a naked picture of me, this is what you get:

Note to all you guys out there that think I would actually send you a naked picture of myself - I'm not that kind of girl.  And if you think I am, you have another thing coming.  And best of luck to you in finding a classy girl to date.  You're not even close to being ready for a girl like me.  Keep on huntin... 

And ladies, please, please, please don't send guys naked pictures of yourself.  If you need that to get a guy interested, it's obviously not the type of relationship you need.  Call your girlfriend, go have a glass of wine, and realize that you're so much better than that!

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